Thursday, May 30, 2013

In Memoriam

The Sunday that began this week was just right in an unusual way. Blue skies and white clouds beautifully decorated the heavens. The sun shone on everything in such a way that made the entire outside seem not just bright, but cheery. The weather was comfortably mild. Birds chirped in the morning air. As I stepped outside I could not help but think, “How sweet. How absolutely, wonderfully, perfect.”  The plan was to visit my Aunt for the day and go home to enjoy the rest of the extended holiday weekend in relaxation.  Then I got the call. My Aunt passed in her sleep that morning. Around the time when I was outside feeling tranquil, serene and at one with the Universe, my Aunt was passing on from this life. We had been very close during her lifetime. In fact, she was the maternal Aunt I was closest to.  When I got the news I was grief-stricken. Tears and sadness poured out of me. Today I have finally had a moment, literally, just a single moment -the week has been very busy planning her memorial service- to reflect on her life. My Aunt was a sterling example of resilience and forgiveness. She lived a full life but there were many disappointments, heartaches and losses. Yet she closed her eyes at peace and without bitterness toward anyone. Her life was directly impacted by domestic violence and other tragedies. However, she always counted her blessings. Today I share with you a very important lesson my Aunt bestowed on me –among many others. No matter what has happened to us, one of the biggest favors we can do for ourselves is have a positive perspective. Depending on how we choose to look at life, the glass can be either half-empty or half-full.  The way we see things plays a large part in our happiness. It’s not what we have, but how we feel about what we have. Some people are miserable with “everything” and others are joyful with “nothing”. ©2013 Joy Lyn

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